Jesse Kernaghan - Product Builder

This website is my shoemaker's shoe. In it you'll find writing about my experiences over the last 15 years as a human, software developer, product person, manager, and leader. Posts come infrequently, haphazardly, and often poorly edited.

Sometimes I am active on LinkedIn if you're interested in connecting there, other things can be sent to, as long as we're kind to one another.

  1. Link Building 1. Understanding needs

    The 'Link Building' series is a number of reflections on what can make or break connections and trust between team members and leaders.

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  2. Error Handling - The Basics

    A starting point to better understanding errors, exceptions, the difference between the two terms, and more.

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  3. Versett Frontier Article - Three pillars of sustainable software

    The sustainable growth and maintenance of software systems can be described as a three legged stool.

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  4. The power of "so what?"

    How to connect development solutions back to their business problems.

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