Jesse Kernaghan - Product Builder
This website is my shoemaker's shoe. In it you'll find writing about my experiences over the last 15 years as a software developer, product person, manager, leader, and all around human. Posts come infrequently, haphazardly, and poorly edited.
Sometimes I am active on LinkedIn if you're interested in connecting there. Other things can be sent to, as long as we're kind to one another.
Tech Organization Velocity Scorecard
One constant every organization has is the need for a high rate of delivery. Over my career I've continuously compiled broad indicators that I've seen help (or hinder) the velocity of teams.
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Design Pattern - The Visitor
An pattern that allows pluggable operations on class instances by allowing them to receive visitors, with variants allowing for varying levels of control on either side of the exchange.
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Design Pattern - The Special Case
An pattern that reduces excess conditionals, removes null checks, and encapsulates edge cases.
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Error Handling - Throw Low / Catch High Principle
How creating a singular point of error handling and avoiding intermediary catches can reduce bugs and make code more maintainable.
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Technical Pedantry
The golden rule for why being right can be the opposite of being successful.
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